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Aluminium SideBars (links en rechts) voor Iveco Stralis Cube met een wielbasis van 3.80m en af fabriek met sideskirts. Standaard met 5 oranje led's met bekabeling aan iedere kant.
RVS SideBars (links en rechts) voor Iveco Stralis Cube met een wielbasis van 3.80m en af fabriek met sideskirts. Standaard met 5 oranje led's met bekabeling aan iedere kant.
Aluminium LoBar Iveco Stralis Cube 2007-on with white led's Fitted as standard with 5 white led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.

Aluminium LoBar Iveco Stralis Cube 2007-on with amber led's Fitted as standard with 5 amber led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Stainless Steel LoBar Iveco Stralis Cube 2007-on with amber led's Fitted as standard with 5 amber led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
RVS gepolijste LoBar (beugel voor onder tegen bumper) Iveco Stralis Cube af 2007 met witte led lampjes. Uitgevoerd met 5 witte led's aan de voorkant en voorbereid voor spatlappen.
Aluminium LoBar Volvo FE with amber led's Fitted as standard with 5 amber led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Aluminium LoBar Volvo FE with white led's Fitted as standard with 5 white led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Stainless Steel LoBar Volvo FE with amber led's Fitted as standard with 5 amber led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Stainless Steel LoBar Volvo FE with white led's Fitted as standard with 5 white led's in front and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Aluminium LoBar Volvo FL 2007-on with white and amber led's (standard bumper) Fitted as standard with 5 white led's in front and 1 amber led in each side and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Aluminium LoBar Volvo FL 2007-on with amber led's (standard bumper) Fitted as standard with 5 amber led's in front and 1 amber led in each side and is pre-drilled to take mudflaps which can be supplied to order.
Products from Kelsa